Search Results
360 results for ""
- Does God exist?
- Was Jesus raised from the dead?
- Is Christianity is true? [Under construction]
- Was the prophecy against Tyre in Ezekiel 26 fulfilled?
- In Ezekiel's prophecy, was Nebuchadnezzar supposed to destroy Island Tyre?
- Did “many nations” attack Tyre, or just Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander?
- Was Tyre rebuilt?
- Does the anthropic principle explain away fine-tuning?
- Can “our God and Savior, Jesus” mean two persons? (Titus 2:13, 2 Pet 1:1)
- Would a theft attempt on Jesus's corpse be seen as risky and difficult?
- Did the Jerusalem church fall for Mary's wrong-tomb blunder?
- Did Christians desire to use or acquire “missing body” apologetics?
- Did Peter claim Jesus appeared to him?
- Would movers of Jesus's corpse remove its clothes?
- Did Peter bet it all on Christianity being true?
- Was Peter a member of the Jerusalem church?
- Did Peter's life reflect belief that Jesus rose?
- Did Peter bet his life on Jesus having resurrected?
- Did Peter die for his faith (martyred)?
- Did Peter publicly maintain that Jesus resurrected?
- Were Tyre's coastal suburbs (Ushu) fortified?
- Are Cephas and Peter the same person?
- In Matthew 28:19, is the Spirit's “name” just God's power?
- Does the Bible say that Jesus is God?
- Should John 1:18 say “the only begotten Son”?
- Should John 1:1 be translated “the word was a god”?
- Are famous quotes about God attributed to Jesus?
- Is our innate inclination to be theists just an evolutionary accident?
- Are the “many nations” (Ezekiel 26) more than Nebuchadnezzar's multi-national army?
- Must an hypothesis be falsifiable to be scientific?
- Are humans innately inclined to find theism intuitive?
- Can actual infinities exist in the real world?
- Are actual infinities absurd? (Requiring the impossible)
- Did the Universe begin to exist without a cause?
- Is Biblical faith “blind faith”?
- Is apologetics good, valuable, and important for Christians to learn?
- Was the apostolic church saying “Mary found Jesus's tomb empty”?
- Would Mary choose to visit Jesus's tomb (Sunday)?
- Did Christians dishonestly report that Jesus's body was gone to help prove he rose?
- Did Christians in c. AD 30 emphasize or use empty tomb apologetics?
- Instead of surviving, did Jesus die on the cross?
- Was the AD 30 Jerusalem church saying “Jesus's body is gone”?
- Did the AD 30 Jerusalem church fall for a “Jesus' body is missing” lie?
- Does the Bible say the Holy Spirit is a person?
- Were graveclothes found in the empty tomb?
- Is it good for rational agents to have free will?
- In 1 Corinthians 15, are “buried” and “raised” contrasted?
- Does a necessary being (or thing) exist?
- Are uncaused events metaphysically impossible?
- Do philosophical intuitions justify beliefs?
- Swoon Theory: Did Jesus pretend to die and resurrect?
- Could AD 30 Jerusalem Jews know where Jesus's corpse was placed after crucifixion?
- Did the c. AD 30 Jerusalem Church know-by-seeing whether Jesus's tomb was empty?
- Does Antiquities 18.3.3. sound non-Christian?
- Does corpse-decomposition explain why Jesus's body wasn't used to falsify Christianity?
- Did AD 30 Jerusalem Jews will to check Jesus's tomb (to show it wasn't empty)?
- Did necromancers steal Jesus's corpse?
- Was Jesus's body stolen from its tomb?
- Did human hands remove the graveclothes of Jesus?
- Was the stone sealing Jesus's tomb square-shaped?
- Were the AD 30 Jews saying body theft caused empty tomb?
- Was the AD 30 Jerusalem church saying “Jesus' tomb is empty!”
- Defining Atheism: Is it just a “lack of belief” in God?
- Is it admitted in Ezekiel 29 that the Tyre prophecy failed?
- Is the Universe fine-tuned for permitting life?
- Is Jesus a real historical figure?
- Does the Passover lamb prefigure Jesus?
- Is the Isaiah 53 prophecy fulfilled by Jesus?
- Does the sacrificing of Isaac prefigure Jesus?
- Did the AD 30 Jerusalem church know Jesus's burial location?
- Is it FALSE that early Christians venerated Jesus' gravesite?
- Does “buried... raised” in 1 Corinthians 15:3 entail an empty grave?
- After AD 30, did the Jerusalem Church fall for a lie that Mary witnessed Jesus's tomb empty?
- Were the Apostles etc. proclaiming “Jesus resurrected”?
- Did critics fail to show Jesus's corpse remained entombed?
- Did Jesus's body go missing?
- Was Jesus's tomb empty?
- Did Mary visit the wrong tomb (not Jesus's)?
- Are trial-dependent bonds of love good?
- Is one's ability to form his/her own character good?
- Is knowing Christ in suffering a great good?
- Is seeking after God a great good?
- Is God's atonement for sins like Paul's a great good?
- Is it good for persons to have “effective” free will?
- Are true evil-conquering stories a great good?
- Do verses in the Bible say God is omnipotent?
- Do verses in the Bible say God is worthy of worship?
- Do Bible verses explicitly say Jesus is God?
- Is it good for a Universe to be governed by simple laws?
- Can God make free agents who always choose right?
- Theodicies: do some goods require, risk, or result in suffering or evil?
- Do early sources report that Jesus existed?
- Does some Theory of Everything fix all fine-tuning parameters?
- Have miracles occurred?
- Do cells, eyes, brains etc. resemble products of intelligent design?
- Did life evolve in an unguided way that mimics real design? [Under Construction]
- Is Darwinian evolution true?
- Is natural selection a highly effective designer?
- Do new life-forms appear explosively in Earth-history?
- Did the Cambrian fauna appear explosively in life-history?
- Would the world be better with less suffering?
- Would God opt to allow the evil, pain, and suffering that we see?
- Does Jesus fit as a son-like avatar-emissary of God?
- Is the cosmological constant fine-tuned to permit life?
- Is “The Gospel of Mark” largely from Peter?
- Was The Gospel of Mark written for a Gentile audience?
- Does the “1 Corinthians 15 creed” date to about AD 30?
- Did Paul receive the “1 Corinthians 15 creed” within 3 years of converting?
- Did the apostles etc. lie about meeting with Jesus after his death?
- Did Peter lie in saying “Jesus appeared to me!”
- Is the 1 Corinthians 15 creed pre-Pauline?
- Does omnipotence mean “able to create square-circles” etc.?
- Would God have had Jesus appear to everyone (or more)?
- Did the apostles believe God was a Trinity?
- Did Paul's teachings match Jesus's apostles?
- Divine Hiddenness: If a loving God existed, would God ensure we know it?
- Would some non-theists just resist relationship with God if they became theists?
- Would God ensure everyone is a theist, even persons who would immediately reject him?
- Would some non-theists just form an improper relationship with God if they became theists in their current state?
- Is a relationship which simply uses God as a means to an end, improper?
- Are there characteristic features of a proper relationship with God?
- Would some non-theists just reject relationship with God later in life if they believed in and accepted God (at least in their current state)?
- If God knows a non-theist (at time t), loving God only a finite time upon converting, would God still convert him/her (at t)?
- Do some “relationship goods” require, risk, or result in divine hiddenness?
- Do some general goods risk, require, or result in Divine Hiddenness?
- Does more uncoerced moral decision-making come at the cost of more divine hiddenness
- Can someone be in loving relationship with God while not believing God exists?
- If person #1 does not believe person #2 exists, can they still be in relationship?
- Does Jesus seem like a Horus copy?
- Was Jesus's body laid in a tomb (after crucifixion)?
- Was Horus born of a virgin (Isis-Mary)?
- Do our Bible copies reliably match originals?
- Did Jesus escape the tomb (naturally)?
- Was Jesus crucified?
- Did physical reality (spacetime) begin to exist?
- Did space and time start from a nothing-point (singularity)?
- Is Carroll-Chen's AS-dS time-reversing inflationary model true?
- Did our universe expand from a hot dense state?
- Logically, must past events be finite in number?
- BGV Theorem: Do expanding-on-average universes require infinite speeds?
- Big Bang Theory: Does general relativity accurately model space's birth-growth?
- Is a beginningless model of spacetime true?
- Is the Aguirre-Gratton time-reversed de Sitter model true?
- Can “God did it” (a miracle) be a valid explanation?
- Do explanations invoking an omnipotent-God have a failing track-record?
- Is God the cause of the Universe (or physical reality)?
- Is saying “God did it” just an appeal to magic?
- Are “God did it” inferences automatically an appeal to ignorance?
- Verificationism: are meaningful statements verifiable via senses?
- Is falsifiability (testability) required for a statement to be meaningful?
- Do good/real explanations cite mechanisms?
- Was Mary Magdalene a member of the Jerusalem church?
- Was Jesus's resurrection performed by aliens?
- Did Joseph of Arimathea place Jesus's body in a tomb?
- Did Rome accommodate Jewish customs (in AD 30)?
- Would Romans allow Jews to bury the crucified?
- Did Jews strongly feel all corpses should be buried for the corpse's sake?
- Did Jerusalem Jews insist on a pre-sunset burial of crucified corpses?
- Did 1st century Jews insist corpses be buried before sunset?
- Did Paul violently persecute Christians?
- Were Paul and Barnabas same-team allies?
- Did Paul and the Jerusalem-church see each other as partners?
- Did Paul know much of Jesus’s biography?
- Do Paul’s letters report or allude the historical Jesus’s ethical conduct?
- Do Paul’s letters refer to Jesus's biographical details?
- Did Paul desire and strive to know Jesus-biography?
- Do Paul’s letters quote, echo, and allude to Jesus’s teachings?
- Did Paul know details of Jesus’s crucifixion?
- Did Paul get info on Jesus from the Jerusalem church?
- Did Paul receive information on Jesus from Peter (during his Gal 1:18 visit)
- Did Paul visit the Jerusalem church/Peter 15 days to learn about Jesus?
- Did Papias, Polycarp, Ignatius etc. endorse Paul as an inspired apostle ?
- Was Paul a devoutly Torah-centered Jew?
- Did the Jerusalem church (apostles) fashion the 1 Corinthians 15 creed
- Did Paul call Jesus “Lord” in the Jewish YHWH-sense (as a substitute for God’s name)?
- Did Jesus claim to be divine?
- Did Paul teach that Jesus was God?
- Does Paul tie God's designators (quotes, roles etc.) to Jesus?
- Does Paul swap “Lord [i.e. YHWH]” in OT quotes with “Lord [i.e. Jesus]”
- Did Paul believe Jesus was God?
- Is Jesus actually God incarnate?
- Did women—with Mary Magdalene—witness Jesus's tomb empty?
- Does Mk pepper witness-engendering verbal-cues throughout his report on the women at Jesus’s death, burial and empty tomb
- Is Mk 16:8 “[The women] said nothing to anyone” an excuse to explain why readers only now are hearing of the empty tomb discovery?
- Would Christians hate to invent (as a lie), “Mary & women are the empty tomb’s witness-heralds!”
- Would Christians disfavor this report: “Mary and the women are Jesus’s empty tomb discoverers”
- Would naming women as first witness-heralds to Jesus’ resurrection scandalize Christianity?
- Would Christians disfavor Mary & women being first witness-heralds of the resurrection?
- Would Christians find this illogical: “The women & Mary’s testimony confirm our resurrection evidences!”
- Would Christians hearing of an empty tomb see more “story need” to avoid using the women as its discoverers?
- Were the women (e.g. Mary Magdalene) name-cited as the witness sources in Mark 15’s Easter account?
- As Jesus was crucified, did his apostles stay in Jerusalem (rather than flee to Galilee)?
- Homepage
- Jesus rose?: Possibly, to Plausibly, to Probably
- What is so great about BeliefMap?
- Our Statement of Faith
- About Blake Giunta
- About us | FAQ | Donate
- Apologetics Starter Guide
- “Gentle and reverent” Apologetics
- Strategic Priorities in Apologetics
- Recommended Resources
- Apologetics Debates
- The Ascension of Isaiah
- How you can help
- Get rid of the “No true Scotsman” fallacy
- Does some “wave-function of the cosmos” explain all contingent facts?
- Three reasons apologetics debates work
- A way to resolve quibbles over terminology
- Does evolutionary theory rebut the Leibnizian cosmological argument?
- Why didn't God just create us perfect in heaven?
- Do Nice Atheists Surprise You?
- “God is a MAGICAL being (who does magic)”
- “Faith just means belief without evidence!”
- “God-belief is unscientific!”
- “‘God-did-it’ is just a substitute for ignorance!”
- Why New Atheists tend to love science and hate philosophy
- 3 ways philosophy helps understanding God
- Dear Atheist, God punishes you for sin, not lack of belief
- “3 Reasons for Christians to Engage in Science”
- A Counter-Response to Counter-Apologist
- 3 Reasons the Church Needs Philosophers
- VIDEO: Dillahunty vs. Giunta Debate
- Five Reasons God Allows Atheism
- Is Horus like a Jesus-prototype?
- Matt Dillahunty and Blake talk Methodological Naturalism
- Newsletter: Radio Debate on God's Hiddenness
- Show Friends in 1 Minute that Jesus Rose (Video)
- Debate: Blake Giunta vs. Dan Barker
- Studies on intercessory prayer (where God makes no difference)
- “No God would allow suffering like this”
- Questions about fulfilled prophecy
- 3 Reasons the Church Needs Philosophers
- Mormonism teaches: Many Gods exist like ours
- Mormonism teaches: God started as human, like us
- Mormonism teaches: God earned Godhood
- Mormonism teaches: God is made of flesh and bone
- Mormonism teaches: God has physical sex in heaven
- Mormonism says: “We pre-existed as spirit children
- Mormonism says we, Satan, Jesus are spirit siblings
- Mormonism says God impregnated Mary by sex
- Mormonism says we can earn godhood (like God did)
- If Mormonism is true, Jesus had multiple wives
- An apologetics strategy for evangelizing to Mormons
- Star Student Strategy: Handling Mormonism's Pray-Feel Test
- Mormonism teaches: We have a Goddess mother
- Mormonism's non-Christian teachings
- Mormonism says good spirits get to be born humans
- Was Ushu (on the coast) part of Tyre?
- Ezekiel 26 - An interpretation of the Tyre prophecy
- Read Isaiah 53
- Why didn't God just create us perfect in heaven?
- If Jesus was God’s sinless envoy and died, would God have reason to soon resurrect him from death?
- Does God ensure the sinless live forever, leaving ultimate human death just for sinners?
- Would post-resurrection visits from Jesus directly vindicate Jesus and the Gospel?
- Does the Old Testament affirm an ultimate resurrection of the righteous?
- Have people in history been raised from the dead?
- Biblically, did God tell humanity that ultimate death is just for sinners (the sinless won’t stay dead)
- Did Jesus teach that death will hold sinners, but the sinless will be resurrected?
- Was Paul saying, “Jesus appeared to me!”
- Did Paul simply hallucinate Jesus's appearing to him?
- Were early Christians were saying “Jesus resurrected”?
- Did the first Christians suddenly deem Sunday special?
- Did Paul think he saw Jesus physically appear to him (i.e. not as just a vision or epiphany)?
- Did Paul think that Jesus’s appearance was merely an epiphany-like revelation (exclusively non-visual and in his heart/mind)?
- In Galatians 1:12 was Paul saying Jesus “appeared” to him intra-mentally (in a vision/epiphany)?
- In Galatians 1:16 does Paul mean “in” (i.e. “to reveal His Son in [ἐν] me”)?
- Did Paul believe Jesus appeared to him as a non-physical vision/light?
- Did Paul think he only saw a light when Jesus “appeared” (i.e. not Jesus himself)?
- Does Acts say Jesus appeared merely as an amorphous dazzling light with no emanating source (non-bodily)?
- Can the Greek “optasia” (e.g. in Acts 26:19 “heavenly vision”) easily denote a physical event?
- In 1 Corinthians 9:1 (“I’ve seen”), is Paul saying he saw Jesus appear in the regular way with his physical eyes?
- Acts says Paul believed Jesus’s appearance physically impacted his companions?
- In Galatians 1:12-16 (“revelation… reveal his Son in me”), is Paul simply focusing on the internal aspect of Jesus’ appearance to him, rather than saying it’s fully internal?
- In writing 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 (“[Jesus] has shown in our hearts…”), is Paul referring to Jesus's appearance to him?
- Does Paul differentiate the appearance(s) from later visions/feelings?
- Does “appeared” (ophthe) indicate that there was something to see (i.e. be it a visionary or physical object)?
- According to Acts, was Jesus’s appearance to Paul on the road to Damascus physical?
- Is the Universe fine-tuned for discoverability?
- Soon after Jesus’s crucifixion, were traditional witnesses testifying that Jesus appeared to them alive from the dead?
- Was the AD 30 Jerusalem church saying that Jesus visited the traditional witnesses?
- Did the AD 30 Jerusalem church accurately represent what the relevantly involved witnesses of Jesus were saying?
- Does 1 Corinthians 15:6 relay witness testimony (that Jesus appeared to “the five-hundred”)?
- Does the 1st Corinthians 15 creed relay witness testimony?
- In 1 Corinthians 15:6, when Paul says of the 500 witnesses that “most remain,” was he implying they were available for being questioned?
- Were “The Twelve” (apostles) leaders of the Jerusalem church?
- In AD 30 Jerusalem, was true witness-derived Jesus biography easily accessible, or even hard to avoid?
- In AD 30-70 (or even up to AD 100), did easily accessible known witnesses of Jesus-biography abound?
- Did Jesus’s living ministry-witnesses discredit flagrantly false Christian pop-rumors (directly or indirectly)?
- Were the so-called “five-hundred brethren” (1 Cor 15) publicly maintaining that Jesus visited them after his crucifixion?
- Since AD 30, was the Jerusalem church saying the risen Jesus appeared to the Easter women—including Mary?
- Were Cleopas and his companion testifying that Jesus appeared to them on the road to Emmaus?
- Donation Form
- Did lay Greco-Roman inquirers tend to value their evidence being as empirical/1st hand as possible?
- Did Greco-Romans often quote variations of “eyes are more reliable witnesses than ears”?
- Did ideal Greco-Roman historiography strive to relay info from involved witnesses who ‘saw it all’?
- Were preface-phrases like “from the beginning” used to denote historiographical intentions?
- Was Greco-Roman “history” a truth-aimed genre (i.e. intrinsically claiming to be an accurate recounting)?
- Did Greco-Roman historiographers tend to be discerning, critically evaluating their sources and their claims in various ways?
- Did Greco-Roman historiographers critically evaluate various historical sources/claims mid-text in their histories?
- Before writing their historical works, did 1st century Greco-Roman historiographers tend to laboriously investigate matters?
- Did 1st century Hellenistic historians tend to travel for several years to gather information for their historical work?
- Did ideal Greco-Roman historiographers work hard to relay honest witness testimony (the more direct/1st hand the better)?
- Did Greco-Roman historiographers often lambast the use of hearsay (especially when witnesses were available)?
- Did Greco-Roman historiographers tend to successfully ground their material in witness testimony or approval?
- Did Greco-Roman historiographers tend to value their reports being as empirical/1st hand as possible?
- Did Greco-Roman historiography self-identity as relaying witness testimony?
- Are the Gospels historically reliable?
- Are the Gospel stories based in eyewitness testimony?
- Do the Gospels burst with incidental details fine-tuned to an AD 30-70 Palestinian milieu?
- Does the popularity of Jewish names in 1st century Palestine match that of Jewish names in the New Testament?
- Do unique or quirky tendencies repeatedly appear in Jesus’s sayings (in the Gospel traditions)?
- Did the gospel authors tend to ground their material in witness approval directly or nearly directly?
- Are the Gospel stories are often “dissimilar” to the AD 31-90 church?
- Does Gospel content abound in direct or indirect witness testimony?
- Do the Gospels burst with incidental assumptions/details fine-tuned to a Palestinian milieu?
- Do the Gospels claim to largely be (or to relay) witness testimony?
- In AD 30-80, did witness-approved Jesus-biography predominate over any falsehoods?
- In the AD 30-70 Mediterranean, did witness-based testimony on Jesus-bio thrive?
- Did unjustified Jesus-biography in AD 30-70 struggle to form, circulate, stick?
- Did the Gospel stories originate honestly, rather than as lies or legends?
- Do the Gospels burst with content which is demonstrably non-legendary (i.e. honest non-fiction)?
- Did the Gospel authors intend their works to be read as non-fictional histories?
- Help us answer prayers
- Did the apostles often start, teach, and visit churches, training them in Jesus-biography?
- Were Christianity’s Jesus-stories faithfully passed down (in AD 30-90)?
- Did AD 30-70 churches orally teach and pass down Jesus-biography in an adeptly preservation-oriented way?
- Do the Gospel traditions abound in material unpalatable to Christians?
- Did the Gospels-Acts include self-embarrassing details in their reports?
- Do the Gospel stories abound in content which dates to Jesus’ life or close (pre AD 40)?
- Are the Gospels ancient early-empire histories/biographies of Jesus?
- Do the Gospels fit as biographies, internally exemplifying the quintessential family characteristics?
- Can Mid-Eastern oral societies be proficient at faithfully preserving their history?
- Extra materials at BeliefMap
- Can we discern an Aramaic original behind the recorded-in-Greek teachings of Jesus in the Gospels?
- Were the Gospel authors successfully honest in their Gospel reports?
- Do Mt 28 and Jn 20 independently attest to (and endorse) the same appearance of Jesus’s to Mary?
- Were disciples of Jesus actively recounting their experiences with him until their dying day?
- Were Christian churches in AD 30-70 basically unified, e.g. in their leaders, doctrine, & history?
- Were early Christians largely unified on Jesus-biography (e.g. prior to AD 100)?
- Were early Christians across the AD 30-70 Mediterranean well-networked to each other?
- Would reputed demoniacs considered unreliable witnesses?
- Extra materials at BeliefMap
- Bullet testing
- Are the personifications of the Holy Spirit literal?
- testtest
- Did the Jerusalem church pass-down Jesus-bio (to successors and other churches)?
- A Quick 4-Step Case for Christianity
- Did the Jerusalem church pass-down Jesus-bio (to their successors and other churches)?
- Did Christians regularly visit the Jerusalem church (in AD 30-40)
- If God “fine-tuned” the Universe, then does God need a fine-tuner (designer)?
- Are Gospel traditions connected to eyewitness names who were thereby cited?
- Were reports of Jesus’s appearing to Mary’s group based in their own testimony?
- How to use inductive / Bayesian reasoning (Simplified)
- Does this rebut the fine-tuning argument for God: “the Universe is equally fine-tuned to permit rocks!”
- Did Jn and Mt’s Christophany to Mary (Jn 20:11f; Mt 28:9f) evolve from the angel/man in Mk 16:7?
- Did the various disciples of Jesus merely experience convincing hallucinations of Jesus appearing to them?
- Did “Jesus appeared to Mary & the women!” originate honestly (not as lie/legend)?
- The moral arena argument for God's existence
- Is the Gott-Li "self-creating" universe model correct?